I have subscribed to 4 other 2nd grade teacher's blog pages and have found some excellent ideas to use in my own classroom. One in particular is http://mrspatterson.edublogs.org/. She is a great blogger and also lets her students blog as well. I am doing an O.R.E.O project (Our Really Exciting Online Project) with my class after reading about her experience. Throughout this project the children use measurement, estimation, prediction, writing, and science skills. And all is documented online. The children will even do voice threads to tell others about their findings. If I feel really adventurous I may let a few of them blog on my page or set up a new page for my classroom! I try and check my reader every day because a couple of my subscriptions blog everyday and I don't want to miss anything. Like I said, I only have 4 so it's not too overwhelming right now.
I'm so excited to hear about your project idea. You'll have to share how it goes. I bet your students would love creating a VoiceThread!