Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thing 5

My reader is full of great stuff and I have only subscribed to a handful of blogs and wikis. Some people are great about adding to their site and sharing great ideas. Time unfortunately does not always allow for me to read and explore the way I would like. I have made my own wiki space if anyone is interested in looking at it. Remember it is a work in progress and I try to add new things as often as I can. My students and parents have really enjoyed it. I still have not attempted video or voice threads but that is my next big goal. I get a ton of ideas from my reader. Here are a few sites I like. My class is the first one. Take a look!




1 comment:

  1. My reader is bursting from the seams as well. The great thing about it though--it's always there waiting for me when I have a spare moment! I'm thrilled that you're finding our learning journey valuable. Keep sharing: I'm enjoying seeing your progress!
