Thursday, September 3, 2009

This week I read The Sister's book The Daily Five. The book is a management tool for guided reading, plus a whole lot more. It teaches you how to train your students to be independent learners. They are not just going to a center or station and doing busy work. Instead they are actively engaged in real reading and writing. Yesterday we began by practicing the "Read to Self" component of The Daily Five. After practicing several times throughout the week what Read to Self looks like and what it does not look like, this independent behavior should become a habit for the children. We'll see! I am excited to find out.

Today I completed "Thing 0". I now have Foxfire on my computer and have already set tabs. Wow! I think I am really going to like this. When I click on the Foxfire icon, it automatically brings up my 21century page, my gmail, my delicious account and anything else that I want to add. I added google and edhelper so far. Love that 21st Century technology!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog looks great! I, too, love technology! Going to have add My 21 CLC team to my blog...very good idea!

